1. 印度泰姬陵的介绍




2. 印度泰姬陵的介绍50字

泰姬陵(Taj Mahal ),是印度知名度最高的古迹之一,世界文化遗产,被评选为”世界新七大奇迹”。




3. 印度泰姬陵的介绍加图片

印度 泰姬陵(印地语:___ ___,波斯语:乌尔都语:___ ____),是印度最知名的古迹之一,处于北方邦阿格拉,是莫卧儿王朝第5代皇帝沙贾汗为了纪念已故皇后姬蔓·芭奴而兴建的陵墓,竣工于1654年。它由殿堂、钟楼、尖塔、水池等构成,全部用纯白色大理石建筑,用玻璃、玛瑙镶嵌,绚丽夺目、美丽无比。有极高的艺术价值。是伊斯兰教建筑中的代表作。2007年7月7日,成为世界新七大奇迹之一。泰姬陵是印度穆斯林艺术最完美的瑰宝,是世界遗产中的经典杰作之一。

4. 印度泰姬陵的介绍1000字

泰姬陵布局严谨,造型优雅,整体分 为3大部分:陵墓位于最北端,中间是一个正方形的花园/南边是种植着花木的庭 院和大门。从大门到陵寝,有一条宽阔的红沙石 铺成的通道,中间贯穿着前院、花园。

通 道两侧是人行道,一连串的喷泉组成的水池一路相伴,四周铺满鲜花和青草。池水 倒映着洁白的陵墓,相映生辉。 整座陵墓修建在一座白色大理石的正 方形台基之上,台基尚约7米,边长约95 米,寝宫居中。

陵墓高约74米,为一座有 12个面的复杂形体。陵墓平面为边长56。7 米的抹角正方形,上空为一个直径17。7米 的高耸、重叠的圆穹隆,在弯顶四角还环立着4座小圆顶凉亭,以苍天为背衬,形状优美大方,犹如一朵朵飘浮的白云,人 称“大理石之梦”。

5. 印度泰姬陵的介绍和图片


6. 印度泰姬陵的介绍英文

泰姬陵 Taj Mahal頭條萊垍

Great Wall is not a true man, not the Taj Mahal, equal has never been to India.

Taj Mahal (TajMahal) located in the outskirts of Agra. India’s Taj Mahal is one of the world’s seven architectural wonders, Taj Mahal (TajMahal), also known
as the Taj Mahal. Mughal monarch 5th generation – Shah Jahan (ShahJahan) Wong Hou Muta for his beloved Chicago Maha (MamtazMahal) of the witness of love.

Construction of the Taj Mahal is in fact a moving story, saying that Shah Jahan married 19 years with the Queen, the Queen in 1630, the 14th production of the death of the emperor before the death of four required commitment, one of which is everyone can build for her to pay tribute to the beauty of a mausoleum. So Shah Jahan would cost 50 million rupees to 20,000 artisans, took 22 years to complete this shocked the world of marble arts building, the final resting place as the favored concubines. 1633, the Taj Mahal in India, Shah Jahan selected northern corner of the Yamuna start building a large garden. Here in the Yamuna River, is very open, Shah Jahan from the castle on the river upstream of Agra saw far. Shah Jahan architecture and jewelry most popular, so he used marble Taj Mahal, and in a very delicate craft in countless marble inlaid stones for decoration. Country and Persia, Turkey, Baghdad, architects, setters, Master Books, sculptors, masons total of twenty thousand people participated in the construction of the Taj Mahal. This project used a local marble, China, precious stones, crystal and jade, Baghdad and Yemen, agate, emerald Tibet, Sri Lanka’s precious stones, coral and other Arab. Taj Mahal with the seasons, time and change. At dawn, the Taj Mahal showing pink, blooming like flowers; noon, the Taj Mahal is white, bright light; evening, the Taj Mahal was gray, soft colors like pearl. Receded in the moon, star flashing weather, the Taj Mahal may be showing a white tiger amber, gray, golden brown. In overcast weather, the Taj Mahal like winter mist floating in the air, flickering mirage. Architectural features Agra: Taj Mahal, a wide area, from the vestibule, the main entrance, Mughal gardens and main mausoleum consisting of two mosques. Cylindrical tower tomb has a square main hall, in particular, place each tower are tilted outward 12 degrees, when there are earthquakes will fall to the Quartet, and will not affect the main hall. Whether looked at any angle, pure white Taj Mahal are very magnificent, perfect shape, with the reflection pool before the tomb, the Taj Mahal as a two reflect each other, no wonder known as one of the seven wonders of the world . Focused on building the Taj Mahal in India, the Middle East, Persian architectural features, the layout of the perfect harmony, is a rare masterpiece of architectural history.條萊垍頭

Mughal Garden: This garden is a typical Persian garden, located in the main front, the central fountain with a waterway, and there are two lines of trees in the garden side by side is divided into four equally sized rectangular, because the four words in the Islamic Education has a sacred and peaceful means.

Tomb of the main: the main building was octagonal central dome is a dome, the whole body are to Shah Jahan’s favorite white marble was built in white marble is studded with precious stones of various colors, patchwork into some beautiful patterns and designs. Building, dug in below the main 18 wells, each well is a layer of stones, a layer of teak way to stack up to the grassroots level, to reduce earthquake damage to the subject, see Shah Jahan’s love for the Queen . Penetration inside the tomb of the sun alone outdoor lighting, the marble screen has two empty sarcophagi, and Shah Jahan and the Queen’s final resting place is a real underground crypt in another.


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White poignant romantic love song: Taj palace for 19 years, in 1630 after giving birth to 14th child died in Nanzheng barracks. Shah Jahan extremely sad, for sustenance of her thoughts, that is recruited artisans from around the world, the construction of this enduring construction. He has said that Taj Mahal is completed, it intends to build their own one in black marble as the material, the same structure of the tomb, with distant relative. However, in later years his son Aurangzeb usurped the throne sets of rights, and he was i
mprisoned in the Agra Baonei, and even let him see the Taj Mahal. It is said that Shah Jahan night only through the reflection of a large crystal stone, staring at a few kilometers outside the tomb. Shah Jahan imprisoned for seven years after the death, corpses were buried inside the Taj Mahal next to, perhaps more than the other tombs buried together this new love story ending. Agra mosque: a mosque in the main on each side, made of red sandstone building, the top is a typical white dome, the construction of two mosques and the main purpose is to maintain the balance of the whole effect of building the Taj Mahal in order to achieve the beauty of symmetry. It is said that when the most beautiful Taj Mahal, is Yuet night sky, because the white marble mausoleum, will be issued under the moonlight shine light purple, elegant Chu Chen, beautiful and seem down to earth fairy. However, the day of the year opportunity for small, can be appreciated, we should look at your own luck. However, the Taj Mahal in the morning one night, too charming.

As the Taj Mahal in the early in the evening presented a different view, it became the only world tour early in the evening fare is not the same attractions for visitors to India in terms of their own during the day and only 20 rupees, 0700 before or after 17:00 pm but had risen to 110 rupees. In addition, you always remember, do not go on Friday because the day is only open to local Muslims.

Opening Hours :6:00-20: 00 Tickets: Rs 500 + 250 rupees all foreign taxes; 30 Indian rupees.everyweek five pairs of local Muslims open.

7. 印度泰姬陵的介绍英文简短

中文名称: 泰姬陵

英文名称: Taj Mahal

国家: 印度

所属洲: 亚洲

泰姬陵(印地语: ताज महल 波斯语,乌尔都语: تاج محل ),全称为“泰吉·玛哈尔陵”,又译泰姬玛哈,是印度知名度最高的古迹之一,在今印度距新德里200多公里外的北方邦的阿格拉 (Agra)城内,亚穆纳河右侧。是莫卧儿王朝第5代皇帝沙贾汗为了纪念他已故皇后阿姬曼·芭奴(ممتاز محل)而建立的陵墓,被誉为“完美建筑”。它由殿堂、钟楼、尖塔、水池等构成,全部用纯白色大理石建筑,用玻璃、玛瑙镶嵌,绚丽夺目。有极高的艺术价值。是伊斯兰教建筑中的代表作。2007年7月7日,成为世界新七大奇迹之一。

8. 印度泰姬陵的介绍100字



9. 印度泰姬陵的介绍200字





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