1. 景色介绍英文

Qinling Mountains, central China’s east-west across the mountains. West in southern Gansu, southern Shaanxi to through Hubei, Henan, western, about 1500 km. Tributary of the Weihe River to the Yellow River and the Yangtze River tributary Jialing River, Han River watershed. Qinling – Huai River line is China’s most important north-south geographical dividing line, Qinling also revered Dragon Chinese civilization.

2. 景色介绍英文翻译

landscape 用于自然景色风光,宽广的, view 场景或远景,风景画, the view from the tower scenery 尤指乡村的自然景色,也可以指舞台布景。

scene现场,景象,the scene of the crime,也可以指电影中的一组镜头 outlook 态度,前途,了望处, prospect 呈现在眼前的景物 同scene。

3. 风景区英语介绍




4. 介绍风景的英语

Bali, Indonesia 印度尼西亚的巴厘岛

  Juicy mangoes, technicolor sunsets, night-blooming jasmine: Bali is quite possibly the most seductive island on earth. This is a culture where days begin with offerings of flowers to Hindu deities at roadside temples and where every visitor is greeted with a smile, but sensual undercurrents flow. It’s also the place for indulgent spa treatments, like floral baths and spice body scrubs, and of course couples’ massages.

5. 介绍美景的英文

1. landscape

2. scenery

3. scene

4. view 近义词或词组prospect | outlook | scenic | picture | Outlook Express outlook | lookout 例句与用法1. 那是一幅描绘春天景色的油画。 That is an oil painting of a landscape in spring. 2. 景色灰暗荒凉。 The landscape was grey and stark. 3. 游客们被景色的美丽所陶醉。 The travelers were beguiled by the beauty of the landscapes. 4. 这美丽的景色难以形容。 The beautiful scenery baffles description.

5. 我们在穿越这个地区的旅途中,看到了不少美丽的景色。 We passed through some beautiful scenery on our journey through this district.

6. 这条峡谷里的景色非常美丽。 The scene is very beautiful in this glen.

7. 落日使景色更美。 The setting sun glorified the scene.

8. 我们被美丽的景色迷住了。 The beauty of the scene filled us with enchantment.

6. 景色介绍英文完成时

This is a picture of quiet and elegant photo:there is five stone table each with a stone basin on the stone floor, and three steles next to the edge of the woods which is sometimes visible

7. 景色介绍英文作文


8. 英文介绍风景

A slight breeze rose,

wafting the heavy scent

of flowers past her.

9. 景色介绍英文版

我不知道离别的滋味是这样凄凉,我不知道说声再见要这么坚强。I do not know the taste of separation is so bleak, I do not know to say goodbye so strong.

岁月永远年轻,我们慢慢老去,你会发现,童心未泯,是一件值得骄傲的事情。Forever young years, we slowly grow old, you will find a playful spirit, is a matter of pride.

怕什么路途遥远。走一步有一步的风景,进一步有一步的欢喜。幸福,在路上。Fear of what the distance involved. Go one step further step in the landscape, the further step of joy. Happiness, on the road.

无畏孤单。因为这世上,肯定有一个人,正努力地走向你。Fearless alone.Because in this world, there must be a person, working hard towards you.

喜欢这样温暖而寂静的阳光,透过绿色的树叶,像水一样地倾泻下来。Like warmth and the silence of the sun through the green leaves, like water pouring do

总有一次哭泣,让人瞬间长大。There is always a cry, people instantly grow up.

很多时候,很多事情,走不到所希望的结局,错的不是人,是时间,是命运。In many cases, a lot of things, able to get the desired outcome, the wrong people, time is fate.

在你想要放弃的那一刻,想想为什么当初坚持走到了这里。The moment you want to give up, think about why did insist to come here.

迷茫时,坚定地对自己说,当时的梦想,我还记得。Confused, the firm said to myself, was the dream, I remember.

我不知将去何方,但我已在路上。I do not know go where, but I have been on the road.

一路坎坷的人以后的幸福亦是理所应当。——?侧耳倾听?Happiness after the easy road is as it should. – ?Ear to listen?

在茫茫人海中相遇相知相守无论谁都不会一帆风顺,只有一颗舍得付出懂得感恩的心才能拥有一生的爱和幸福。In the vast sea, meet, know each otherspend,whetheranyonewillnotbesmoothandonlyonewillingtopay toknow how grateful heart, in order to have a lifetime of love and happiness.


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